AI-Driven Asset Tracing and Recovery Solution
In today's complex financial landscape, tracing and recovering assets can be a daunting task. As perpetrators increasingly employ sophisticated financial manipulations, often spanning international borders and involving extensive networks of asset types and related entities, traditional practices struggle to keep up with these evolving threats.
Recovery AI is engineered to revolutionize the asset tracing and recovery process, making it faster, more accurate, and highly efficient. By harnessing the power of advanced artificial intelligence, we enable businesses, financial institutions, and legal professionals to locate and recover assets with unparalleled precision.

Uncover Hidden Assets with Ease

Our AI technology goes beyond traditional methods, analyzing vast amounts of data to identify hidden assets that may be overlooked by manual processes. Whether it's locating offshore accounts, real estate holdings, or intangible assets, our system ensures nothing slips through the cracks.

Data-Driven Insights for Strategic Recovery

Harness the power of AI to turn raw data into actionable insights. Our platform integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, providing you with real-time intelligence that informs strategic decisions. By identifying patterns and connections in data, we help you develop a more targeted and effective asset recovery strategy.

Accelerate the Recovery Process

Time is of the essence in asset recovery, and our AI solution is designed to speed up the process. By automating key aspects of asset tracing, we reduce the time it takes to compile evidence and build a recovery case. This means quicker resolutions and a higher likelihood of success.
Key Features

Tuned Detection Methods

Tuned Detection Methods

Expert insight at industrial scale
Recovery AI’s machine learning-based asset tracing and transaction detection models have been trained upon millions of historical records spanning geographies and jurisdictions. By working with key legal and finance experts providing invaluable feedback, our engines have been tuned to detect relevant transactions across banking systems, asset types, and data sources. This enables truly scalable asset tracing, replicating the analytical power of an army of investigators operating 24x7x365.

Recovery AI Virtual Agent

Your personalized investigative asset
All Recovery AI platform users are provided with unique access to their own chat agent, so they may directly interact with captured datasets, ask questions, and review findings using plain language commands. By incorporating leading large language models (LLMs) and open web mining, the Recovery agent allows you to scour massive datasets with complex queries and iterate on the findings using natural language feedback.
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